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1992 Fund Claims Manual       October 2016 Edition



                1  How Does The Compensation Regime Work?                             8

                    1.1     The compensation regime                                  10
                       The 1992 Civil Liability Convention
                       The 1992 Fund Convention
                       The Supplementary Fund Protocol

                    1.2  How much compensation is available?                         12
                       Under the 1992 Civil Liability Convention – the shipowner pays
                       Under the 1992 Fund Convention – the 1992 Fund pays
                       Under the Supplementary Fund Protocol – the Supplementary Fund pays
                    1.3  What types of incident are covered?                         13

                    1.4  What types of damage are covered?                           13
                       Clean-up and preventive measures
                       Property damage
                       Consequential loss
                       Pure economic loss
                       Use of economic models
                       Environmental damage
                       Use of advisers
                    1.5 When are claims admissible for compensation?                 15

                2  Submission and assessment of claims                               16

                    2.1 Who can make a claim?                                        18
                    2.2 To whom should a claim be submitted?                         19

                    2.3 How should a claim be presented?                             19
                    2.4 What information should a claim contain?                     20
                    2.5 Within what period should a claim be made?                   20

                    2.6 Claims assessment and payment                                21
                    2.7  How long does it take to assess and pay claims?             21
                       Target time frame for assessing claims
                       Fast track assessment of claims
                    2.8 What if a claimant does not agree with the Fund’s decision?   22
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